My Cancer Journey: The Hidden Environmental Dangers Around Us
One day, my holistic doctor said something that changed everything for me: "Christine, you need to start looking into endocrine disruptors." I left that appointment confused but curious. I had no idea what endocrine disruptors were, but I quickly learned they’re chemicals that mimic or interfere with the body's hormones, potentially causing health issues like cancer.
Finding Calmness Amidst Chaos
Being flexible doesn’t mean we’re weak—it means we understand how to survive without breaking. By learning to sway with the winds of change, we build resilience and emerge from life’s storms even stronger.
Unveiling the Radiate Health and Wellness Podcast
I'll be honest, the thought of starting this podcast filled me with a mixture of excitement and fear. I worried about getting my message across, stumbling over my words, and whether anyone would even listen. But despite these fears, I felt a powerful inner calling urging me to take the leap and dive headfirst into the unknown.
Embracing the Joy of Movement
Walking is not about shedding pounds or shrinking inches. It's about so much more than that.